Category: Core
About the importance of Components in Unreal
Components are one of the key features of the Unreal Engine, providing a modular and flexible way to add functionality to actors (and characters). By encapsulating specific functionality into components, code can be organized and managed in a more efficient way. In this article, we will explore the advantages of using components and how to…
Understanding the couple Pawn (or Character) and Controller
Using an AController in combination with a Pawn provides a more robust and flexible system for controlling game characters and NPCs, both from a player and AI perspective. In Unreal Engine, a Pawn represents a player or non-player character that can be controlled in the game world. The AController is responsible for managing the Pawn’s…
Unreal engine class hierarchy
Base classes At the top of the hierarchy is the UObject class. All classes in the engine derive from UObject. This is a fundamental class in Unreal Engine and provides many features, such as memory management, garbage collection, reflection, serialization, networking, and more. The next level of the hierarchy is the AActor class. AActor represents…